SMARTS Administrative Software
A complete suite of business and student
management software for the modern school district.

Computer Solutions is heartbroken to share news of the passing of Andrew Preman, our Vice President of Software Development. Over his 40 years of service, all of our clients have interacted with Andy at one point or another. Whether it was a question about your Portal or getting a new module installed, Andy was always happy to help. Here at the office, we will all miss Andy’s dry wit, his unsurpassed barbeque skills, and his magic ability to fix a computer just by walking into the room. Andy was a computer genius, a dedicated employee, and a true and loyal friend. May his memory be a blessing. While the loss of Andy is devastating on a personal level, we want to reassure our clients that we are working to ensure a seamless transition moving forward. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

SMARTS Software Suite

Human Resources / Payroll

A Human Resources and Payroll module designed to share common information so there is no need to duplicate information. Track items such as Demographics, Attendance, Salary Guides and Position Control as well as creating NJ SMART Transmittals.

Budgetary Accounting

A comprehensive financial accounting package with a date driven design. The Budgetary Accounting module meets all State reporting requirements.

Student Information Systems

A complete student management system that includes Attendance, Grading and Scheduling as standard features along with NJ SMART Transmittals. The system is scalable from a small single school elementary to a large multi-school K-12 district.